Metal Detecting Clubs in Ontario

Metal detecting clubs offer opportunities for networking and skill development. The solitary nature of metal detecting can be overcome by joining a club, which provides access to a wider range of ideas and hunting locations, as well as the chance to connect with like-minded individuals. Members of these clubs are typically friendly and willing to lend equipment, making the hobby more enjoyable and accessible.

  1. The Rainbow’s End 
  2. Chatham Kent Metal Detecting Club
  3. Southern Ontario Hunt Information
  4. Metal Detecting Ontario (Facebook Group)
  5. Canadian Heritage Seekers
  6. Southeastern Ontario Metal Detecting Club
  7. Sun Parlour Metal Detecting Club

If you know of any I have missed – leave a comment below and I’ll update this list!

If you’re outside Ontario, check out: Metal Detecting clubs near me

Metal detecting is a hobby that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds. While some metal detecting clubs may have a higher proportion of older members, many clubs have a diverse range of ages and backgrounds represented. The hobby appeals to people with a wide range of interests, including history, archaeology, and treasure hunting, making it accessible to a broad range of individuals

Some benefits of joining a metal-detecting club include:

  1. Networking and socializing with like-minded individuals
  2. Sharing of tips, locations, and ideas for hunting
  3. Access to group hunts and events
  4. Opportunities for skill development and learning
  5. Equipment borrowing and sharing
  6. Access to specialized knowledge and experience
  7. Building a supportive community for the hobby.
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4 thoughts on “Metal Detecting Clubs in Ontario”

  1. Trying to find out when the next meeting is in Stoney Creek Rainbows End
    Club. Their web site has been down for ages.
    Sandy Ban 519 410 0206


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